Sjoa River # 1
>> Friday, June 25, 2010
After a few paddles on the Sjoa I am starting to feel like I'm getting comfy in the Fluid Expedition Solo again.The spring issue of Canada's Rapid Magazine named Sjoa the no.1 whitewater town in the world. That's a big call, but they hit the nail on the head. The Sjoa river offers a bit of everything. Great play spots on the play run, an impressive slolom course with accomodation at the Sjoa Kajak Camp and just below that you can test yours skills on the Riksanlegget section. This monring Ine and myself headed upstream and ran the Aamot Juvet section. A stunning gorge filled with huge waterfall tributaries and some larger rapids. You really can have you cake and eat it on the Sjoa River.

The Joys of Jet Lag
>> Thursday, June 24, 2010
Wide awake at 2.30am. Now what? Jet lag has become a friend of mine I sometimes wish would not visit, ever. The early rise did provide for some solid planning and a journal entry. Every minute I spent here in the stunning valley of Nerde Heidal, the more I love it. The community is super friendly and everyone has a smile on their face. The hills are green and water crystal clear. Paradise!
planet river dot com
>> Wednesday, June 23, 2010
For the next few weeks I am working with Planet River on their upcoming project, The SJOA and DRIVA Expeditions.
Planet River explores our worlds rivers from source to mouth while documenting these expeditions by pen, photo and film and publish aesthetic books of the documented rivers´ full length.
If you stop ad think about the concept, it really is a large-scale project.
We will be documenting the Sjoa and Driva rivers in Norway. I am very greatful to be part of suh a unique, fresh project. Please feel free to follow our progress for the next few weeks on the Planet River website;
Norway Day 1
Day 1 of Norway, I keep thinking to myself; "I'm in Norway, is this for real, or just a dream?" Here's a collection of images from the past 24hrs. I can't explain the stoked feeling you have as a boater when you arrive in Norway.
Casa Magilla Keeps Me In da Loop
>> Tuesday, June 8, 2010
White water in the Adirondacks? It has it all, mellow runs for learning, park and play and enough steep creeks to scare yourself on.

Liane O'Hara test driving the new Pyranha Molan.

Ashley taking her first whitewater course with Liane O'Hara. I highly recommend Liane if you are looking for a quality ACA kayaking course, her knowledge, experience and personal touch on the course creates a recipe for a professional, educational experience you won't forget.

Ashley has some skills behind the lens; I'm trying to loop the large REV here at Hole Brothers on the Black River, NY. A great park and play spot if you're in Watertown.